Monday, June 4, 2012

Freeze Frame

Have you ever had one of those moments where time seems to stand still? Where you wish you could just press "pause" and freeze that minute, that feeling, and never let it go? Well I had one of those moments today.

This afternoon I was able to go to Adventureland with my mom. Seems pretty normal, right? Nothing too special or out of the ordinary. But the thing is, this was something special. Sitting there in the new wave pool( (which is freaking awesome by the way! If you haven't made it out there yet, put it on your list of things to do before the summer's up!) the sun shining down on me, looking at my mom smiling as she told me a story, there was absolutely nowhere in the entire world I'd rather be. I wanted to freeze that moment, to take it and put it in a bottle to keep forever. I know, I know, it sounds super cheesy and over-dramatic...but it's true.

I have an absolutely amazing family. Like tonight, I got to talk to Keegan on Skype for like 2 hours! He's planning a mission trip for his youth kids in Chicago, and he filled me in on all the little details. I'm so proud of him and who he's becoming, and it seriously means the world to me to have these conversations with him.

And yesterday, Ian needed me to get on his laptop so he could figure some plans out for his week down in Dallas. Not really a big deal, right? Well it really wasn't, but it just meant a lot to me to have him call me up for help, and to just talk for a little bit and catch up. It's crazy how he can be gone for 2 days and I miss him like he's been gone for a year...

And my dad, well...don't even get me started on that one. I could write a book on how he is the most amazing man on the face of the earth. His guidance, love, support, and discipline has literally saved my life, and I love him with all that I am. I am seriously the luckiest girl in the world just because this man is my father.

But anyway, enough of that. Gosh, I'm not even sure what I'm typing right now! Now that I'm looking back on everything, I'm not sure any of this ties together, or really even makes sense for that matter! But whatever, I'm just gonna go with it...

My point is, I have an amazing family and I love them dearly, but honestly...I don't show it near enough as I should. It can be so easy to take these simple moments for granted, but they honestly can be the biggest deal in the whole scheme of things.

So I guess if you're to take anything out of this crazy rambling of mine that I'm calling a blog, it's simply this: love your family. I know summer gets busy with friends and parties and cookouts and fireworks and blah blah blah...but at the end of the day, family is what you go home to. They're the ones who have been with you all along, and no matter what the future brings, they're still going to be right there, one way or another. Family is such a beautiful and incredible gift from God...take some time to really cherish it this summer. <3