Saturday, August 4, 2012

God is at Work

So I've just been chilling in my room this afternoon, and all of a sudden, it hit me: summer's almost over. Where has the time gone? I wish I knew. But as I've been sitting here and thinking about this, I've realized something. I've had all summer off of school. No stress, no straining time commitments...and yet, somehow, I still haven't found enough time to be with God.

It's funny how quickly time passes, and we always say things like "live like there's no tomorrow" and "embrace every moment" but yet, we still live as if we have all the time in the world. At least I know I do. 

Lately I've found myself being lazy...distracted...procrastinating. Telling myself I'll do something later, even though I know very well that I won't end up doing it. I look back at my summer and I see all of the opportunities I had to grow closer to Christ, but I still didn't do it. 

I think back to my week at HAC, how amazing it was, and how God really grabbed a hold of my heart that week. And I look back at the couple of weeks following camp, and how I was really clinging to God's Word and doing my best to seek Him out in my life. And today I look at where I am right now, and honestly,  I don't even know what happened. I've been too distracted with other things, earthly things that don't even matter, that I've let myself drift away from what God's trying to do in my life.

But the good news is...there's still hope. Although I've drifted, God hasn't moved an inch. He's still right here, ready to take me back in His arms and mold me into who I need to be for Him. And I'm truly in awe of how God works, because as I was rummaging around my room today, I found an old notecard from youth group a couple years ago, and this is what it says:

The kind of girl I need to be:

1. A woman who loves Jesus.
2. A woman who understands beauty.
3. A woman who honors her future husband.
4. A woman who is confident in who she is.
5. A woman who works hard.
6. A woman who is generous.

Man, that is EXACTLY what I needed to see today. These past few weeks I definitely haven't been all of those things. If I'm honest, I've probably struggled with every single one of those to some degree. But, there's no time like the present to change that! God has really spoken to me today, and this time, I'm determined to listen and respond.

 I guess my main point to this blog is this: Don't give up on God. He is at work in your life. No matter what's going on, no matter what you're struggling with, big or small. God is bigger, and He has a plan. It's time for us to TRUST that plan, and be CONFIDENT in who He's made us to be and what He's made us to do. Life gets busy, it gets hard. But with God, we can handle it all.

So as we end our summer and start our new school year, cling to God and the hope that He has for you. He wants to make you into an amazing child of God. The only question is this; are you going to let Him?  <3