Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dear Ian

Dear Ian,

Alright I-Man, here goes nothing...this is for you. You really got me thinking when we Skyped on Sunday. You're right...I haven't blogged in a long time. And as soon as you said that, God really put on my heart for me to write you a letter. So, here you go. From my brain to yours. (yes, I stole that from your blog...clever, huh? I thought it was a nice touch!)

What I love about you:

1. Your laugh. I don't even know how to explain it, but it makes me smile just thinking about it. How you throw your head back, close your eyes tight, and just laugh uncontrollably like what you've just heard is the funniest thing on the face of the planet. It makes me happy.

2. Your dimples. Sorry, I just had to... it's so true! I know you hate them, and hate it when I bring them up...(again, I apologize...) but they seriously make me smile. So, even though you don't appreciate them, I do. And one day, some girl is going to fall in love with those dimples. Just you wait and see. :)

3. Your obsession with disc golf. I do not understand how you never get tired of this game, but your excitement and dedication makes me smile. I love how excited you get when you bring home new discs after diving in the ponds. (Which I don't understand either, but that's okay!) Always make time for your hobbies. They'll keep you young!

4. Your Twitter/Instagram kicks. Congratulations, dear have officially gotten me obsessed with Twitter! I never thought I'd say this, but you were's so much better than Facebook! Lol! And Instagram, well...every picture you put up pretty much makes my day! I'm sure I've burned a lot of calories just laughing at all the pictures you've posted...haha you're so funny! (Tell Jesus I say hi! Hahaha!)

5. Your coffee addiction. Now that I think about it, maybe this should have gone at the top of the list...haha just kidding! But oh man, the smell of coffee...there's nothing better! It's seriously one of my favorite things about having you and Keegan home...I miss it when you guys leave! Pretty please, for me, never stop drinking coffee, okay? LOL. :)

6. Your love of music. I truly believe music has brought us closer together over the years, whether you realize it or not. We have pretty similar tastes in this category, even if you don't want to admit it. Sure, I'll always hate Eminem, and you'll always despise my Disney stuff, but you've introduced me to lots of different artists and I have become obsessed with several of them! There are so many songs that remind me of you for different reasons. Listening to them makes it feel like you're still here, even when you're not, and that brings more comfort and joy to me than I'll ever be able to explain.

7. Your passion of playing guitar. For sure, without a doubt, my favorite sound in the entire world. Hearing you strum the chords by heart, singing and praising our Lord, gives me a sense of happiness and peace that absolutely nothing else does. More than once I have sat at the top of the basement steps, just listening to you play. You have some serious talent, my brother! And I don't care what you CAN sing, and pretty dang well at that!

8. Your willingness to invest in people. It makes me so happy to see you interact with students. Countless times I've had kids at the Rock come up to me and say, "Wait, Ian's your brother? I love that guy!" and I just smile and say "I do too!" You have touched and changed so many people's lives, and I know that is just the beginning! You're amazing.

9. Your obedience to God's calling on your life. You have eagerly responded to what God has called you to do with you life, and I am so incredibly proud of you! You have become such an awesome man of God, and  it's only up from here! You're going to make one amazing youth pastor someday.

10. Your never-ending love and support. I'm starting to cry just typing this out...I hate to admit it, but then again, you know I'm a cry baby. But seriously, I-Man...your support and encouragement has helped me in more ways than you know. You've helped guide me to make good decisions, you've kept me away from a lot of heartache, and overall have just been the best support system and have always been there for me whenever I need to talk about anything. Even your random text messages or Facebook posts...they mean the world to me. And how you sat through dance recital, and bought me flowers and that awesome sock monkey. (Who needs a boyfriend when I have you!?) And I'll never forget when you called me after my car didn't even know what had happened; you just saw my Facebook posts and called to see if I was doing okay. You truly are amazing, Ian, and I know I don't show it near enough, but I love you so incredibly much and you mean SO FREAKING MUCH to me! I really don't know where I'd be without thank you. <3

God gave me YOU, and I am forever grateful.

I love you,


PS: Remember, we don't even have to's always a good time! :)