Sunday, February 19, 2012

He is Everything

Isaiah 41:10

God really put this verse on my heart this Saturday when I was feeling overwhelmed by show choir. Take a look at the truth this verse holds:

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand."

I've always loved this verse and found encouragement in it, but until this week I think I've missed the most important part of all. Whenever I've read this verse in the past, I've always been comforted by the thought of God holding me and helping me in my time of need. And although this is so true, I think there's even more to it. 

"...I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand." Have you ever thought about how powerful this part of the verse is? I always over-looked it before, but I think it's so important. He is holding on to you, all of you, with His hand. You, me, and every single one of His children are in the palm of His right hand. Just His hand. Can you wrap your head around that? What a BIG God we serve. 

When I stop and truly think about this, it absolutely blows my mind. It really reminds me just how small I am. All the things I worry about, all the things that take up my thoughts and time, all the things that seem like the end of the world...none of it matters. He is HUGE and we are SMALL. He is beyond anything our minds can ever begin to comprehend, and we are tiny specks of dust. This life has nothing to do with us. It's all about Him.

So when you think of this verse, remember how big God is, and how small each of us are. He spoke the earth into motion...He breathed life into us...He holds us with His hand. That is a God we should love. That is a God we should serve. That is a God we should fear. And when we surrender ourselves humbly and fearfully before Him, we have The God of the universe on our side. And with The God of the universe on our side, there is absolutely NOTHING we have to fear. 

We serve such a big and powerful God, guys...fear Him, and He will make you fearless. <3 

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